Fungal Hivemind Menace
~ KNOWN DATA ~ - Retrieved by Caticus
Alignment: Chaotic. Just, Chaotic.
Favorite Food: Eats just about anything

Klik is a "goblin" who wields her handmade firearm. She is often seen with Point , a sentient computer mouse who hangs out with her on her adventures.

Klik is a "goblin" in quotations specifically, as while she appears as one, she functions as a hivemind. Kliks will release millions of tiny "Klik" spores, most of which perish. But, some will grow into another Klik, and serve as a sort of "respawn" mechanic for her. The Kliks do not work well together - and if contained in the same environment, one Klik will often eat the other one.

CHARACTER'S ORIGIN: Klik was created on April 3rd, 2020 - as a Goblin Artillerist Artificer for a DnD campaign I was joining. She was a sweet (albeit chaotic) little creature who wielded a magic crossbow she built with her dad. However, that campaign ended up being,,,, rea l l y a w f u l (an I'm not jus sayin that to be mean, it was a genuine rpg horror story i dont like to think much about).
Later, she would premier as the star of GUN GOBLIN - a project I made for a Game Design class. Now she wielded a handmade gun she crafted, and used it to propel herself around due to her light weight.

A screenshot of Gun Goblin. I couldn't get the HTML5 Build to work but ya can download it and play it on itch.io!
The first ever drawing I made of Klik. She's got her crossbow on her back (that would later become a GUN)
A 3D Model I made of her, specifically testing for a 3D Gun Goblin type game. The 3D look is fun but I honestly prefer a hand-drawn kind of style - really gets her expressions out.
Drawings of Point. These are sprites that'd be used in a future game. Point points, Klik Clicks. Together, they are kinda awful.
the menace herself
New Style Klik with a Funky Little Smile
New Style Klik, lookin' a little disturbed.
Old Style Klik (Gun Goblin - OG)
Old Style Klik - Sit
3D Style Klik - Sit
3D Style Klik - with some kinda dirty lookin' face
look at that girl
fall over dead